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Outdoor Retailer Winter 2015: Bigger Than Any Blizzard

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Hunkered down (presumably you're already over that phrase for the year, right?) for the inevitable snow day, it seems like the ideal time to show off some of our shots from last week's Outdoor Retailer Winter Market show.

Our intrepid adventurers left the bright city lights of NYC for the, well, only slightly less bright lights of Salt Lake City last week to meet some of the greatest brands of the Great Outdoors.

Sure, it's still the big city, but a city in Utah has a much more pioneering feel than the tri-state area, even if the latter currently sits under several feet of snow at the time of writing.

So turn that heater up, grab a cup of coffee and consider which of these sturdy outdoor items might now be a necessity for your next morning commute...

Exploring Outdoor Retailer Winter Market 2015

Liquid Hardware make innovative water bottles, with a lid that sticks to side of bottle (or other metal) via magnet and transforms into a compass, when placed in a bowl of water.


 The guys at Tentsile take camping to a new level... tree level!


 Filson is one of those time-honored brands that's passed down from generation to generation, our CSO Thom Campbell and his father being no exception.


This climbing gear incorporates Bluesign textile technology, a design standard that gives equal weight to protecting the environment, worker, and consumer in its approved production processes.


The innovative and sturdy lights of STRIKER looked strong enough to survive anything nature can throw at you.

Striker Mag Lights Outdoor Retailer

Intriguing inflatable backpacks and sleeping pads from the very friendly folks at Klymit. Thanks for the generous tour offer guys, hope to take you up on it soon!

Klymit Packs

Take a look at our ORWM 2015 Facebook album for all the shots, including some to come from the office of our friends at Backcountry.com, who we featured last week.

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